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  • Writer's pictureDarya P

The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is novel that took the world by storm, it's message resonating with many and shooting it into bestseller territory. Shortly after it hit the bookstores, it got it's own movie and many book clubs have picked it as the perfect book to read. Hearing it's praise, I purchased it for myself and ended up reading it, and I see why it got all the hype it did and it deserved every ounce of it.

The message was incredibly powerful and really showed how skewed America's justice system is from the eyes of a teenage girl. Many stories we hear about the inequality in society are news stories, and it's hard to relate with what is going on, but Angie Thomas does a wonderful job of putting things into perspective.

You can't help but find yourself flipping through the pages, eating the book up as you follow Starr in her quest for justice nor can you help but feel her helplessness and anger as she struggles with all life is throwing at her. Starr's narrative is also accurate for someone her age and it's great to see a teenager that's actually fairly on-point. The other characters in the story deserve praise for being rather 3-dimensional, something you don't always see in supporting characters.

Overall, if you haven't read this book yet, I would recommend it. However, be aware that there is explicit language and more sexual content.

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